Product and Service Superiority
Product and service superiority can be defined as the differentiation in characteristics found between similar products that leads the individual or organizations products or services being perceived to be of higher value, quality and the best place to purchase said products and services.
Professional Employee Excellence
Recognizing the dedication and exceptional service by all of our employees who work hard to promote our core values of the organization, excellence and success through their professional behavior, communication and appearance.
Customer Service Excellence
A business that provides consistent service excellence that surpasses customer expectations to achieve that ultimate customer interaction. The individual or organization conveys credibility by with continuous communication and positive services experience.
Safety Practices
The individual or organization provides either no risk or a minimum acceptable level of risk, taking into account the normal or reasonably foreseeable use of the product and maintains a high level of protection for consumers.
Credibility Respect and Civility
The respect and civility merit recognizes an individual or the organization who exemplifies positive behavior supports respect and responsible actions and promotes and values civil relationships internally and externally.
Credibility in Technology and Innovation Excellence
The Credibility in Technology and Innovation Excellence recognizes a business that develops advanced or innovative technologies to meet the needs of their customers and creates a positive impact in their industry and community.
Credible Organizational Culture
This Corporation Culture Award is given to forward-thinking organizations who sets up their employees to succeed and recognizes how their people’s employment experience is fundamental to business performance. An organization that shows purpose, engagement, collaboration, competitive advantage, brand recognition, or learning by example are the foundations by which judge if an organization is a Corporate Culture Champion.
Reputation Excellence
Reputational Excellence is awarded to an individual or organization that has demonstrated competence and capacity through a combination of experience, education and how they use their resources/skills plus a positive continuous appraisal of the individual or organization from past actions and deliver and improve results over time.
Credibility in Leadership Excellence
An individual that demonstrates; being an excellent role model; inspiring others to work collaboratively and creatively; demonstrate initiative; and promote an environment that is respectful and supportive
Credibility in Philanthropy and Charity
An individual, group or organization whose participation in the community has significantly benefited others. The professional or organization has contributed by giving back to the community with time, product, donations and/or support.
Is granted to individuals or organizations who have earned the Credibility Champion Award who meet the criteria outlined and is determined by owners of organization, individuals in leadership, professionals and employees of an organization.
Credible Entrepreneurship Excellence Merit
The Entrapenural distinction award is granted to entrepreneur who, through their personal vision, expertise, dedication, and performance in general or has been an outstanding role model for business development and excellence.
Credible MLM Business Merit
This award is presented to a business operating from home for more than 2 years, that has gained a positive reputation and demonstrates excellence in innovation management, marketing, customer service and integrity. Business must have a valid business license in their area of operation.
Credible Home Based Business Merit
This award is presented to a business operating from home for more than 2 years, that has gained a positive reputation and demonstrates excellence in innovation management, marketing, customer service and integrity. Business must have a valid business license in their area of operation.
Credible Small Business Merit
This award is presented to a business operating from home for more than 2 years with up to 10 employees, that has gained a positive reputation and demonstrates excellence in innovation management, marketing, customer service and integrity. Business must have a valid business license in their area of operation.
Credible Medium Business Merit
This award is presented to a business operating from home for more than 2 years with 11-50 employees, that has gained a positive reputation and demonstrates excellence in innovation management, marketing, customer service and integrity. Business must have a valid business license in their area of operation.
Credible Large Business Merit
This award is presented to a business operating from home for more than 2 years with 51 and over number of employees, that has gained a positive reputation and demonstrates excellence in innovation management, marketing, customer service and integrity. Business must have a valid business license in their area of operation.